I don't think they understood the "Family" assignment.

So many years of my life was trying to make a home for myself. Yearning for a place to call my own, where I can feel safe, loved and excepted. Due to childhood "TRAMA" 😔 I spent too many of those years looking for that, with someone else. Then it clicked. "F" everyone, I can do that for myself! Where do I start? Let's start with loving myself. I've always had somewhat of a good level of self confidence but there was always the voices of family from the past whispering in the background to let self doubt creep in at my darkest hours. Wasn't family suppose to be the ones that would always be there for you? Not in my world. At a very young age I quickly learned that family was the first to "F" you the worst. I remember having to sit there and listen to one of them insult me. In Asian households you can't talk back. You just have to take it and fight back the tears in silence. I give them one thing. It fueled my drive to prove them wrong and made me promise I would learn from their actions and never be like them. I am more then they will ever know.